Best Food For Boston Terriers

Best Food For Boston Terriers

Boston Terriers are friendly and very lively animals.

When it comes to size, they are small dogs that rarely grow past 13 inches.

This makes them easy to manage as they have minimized dietary needs.

Food for Puppies

For the first month or two after birth, puppies are content with their mother’s milk.

From two months of age, they are ready for solid food.

Before settling on a meal plan for Boston terrier puppies, it is important to test them using samples to find out what they like and do not react to.

It is also important to vary the meals that you give them to prevent hunger strikes due to monotony.

The best dog food brand for Boston terrier puppies is Orijen Puppy Food. It is a dry puppy food that is rich in animal nutrients including protein, fats and minerals.

These are good for the puppy’s growth. It is also important to keep the puppy hydrated and this is done by including water in the diet as well as rotating between dry Orijen foodand wet puppy foods like canned EVO Dog Food.

Food for Adult Boston Terries

Full grown Boston terrier dogs are more tolerant of foods.

The three best brands for them include:

  • Orijen
  • Acana Foods
  • Innova EVO

These brands major in dry dog foods. They are usually a mixture of nutrient rich foods but the largest portion is made up meat.

Adult Boston terriers can eat human food.

When giving them human food like meat, it is best to cook it to prevent infections by parasites like tapeworms and bacteria like Salmonella.

Common allergies

The most common allergies in Boston terriers are gluten, corn and wheat allergies.

They present with symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea and rashes.

If you notice these symptoms in your terrier, a trip to the vet is in order.

There are a few brands that made food for dogs with these allergies.

These include Dr. E’s Limited Ingredient Dog food which is a grain free food. Others include MaxMeat Beef by Only Natural Pet and ZiwiPeak Air Dried foods.

These are gluten free options that have no grain ingredients making them safe for consumption by allergic dogs.

Food to avoid

There are some foods that Boston Terriers should never be fed.

This is either because their digestive systems cannot handle it or it is a choking hazard.

Foods that do not agree with a Boston terrier’s stomach include avocado, cat food, fat trimmings, grapes, garlic, mushrooms and raw eggs.

Foods that are choking hazards are fish and scraps from human plates. This is because of the presence of small bones.

Food for the dog should be prepared separately to ensure safety.

It is important to remember that as you feed your Boston Terrier, it is an animal that requires all nutrients and thus a balanced diet is vital.

It is also important to stick into a regular feeding timetable with fixed times. At least two meals a day with treats in between should be enough.

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